What are the advantages and disadvantages of integrating technology into the classroom?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of integrating technology into the classroom? 

Technology has become a part of everyone's life. It is being used in houses, schools, malls, streets and everywhere. People cannot give up using technology in their lives. Technology tools began to be used in classrooms a long time ago, and now technology is developing very fast. However, as we all know, technologies have so many advantages and disadvantages. 

To start with, Teachers can create a variety of lessons and have new ideas.
Students will rely on so many other resources such as websites and online books, and they can expand their knowledge.Adding to that, Students can use technology anytime and anywhere, using laptops or iPad will be easier for them to carry and lighter from books. Using technology in the classroom will reduce the use of papers that will save trees and the environment. Students can send and receive their homework and tasks quickly, and they can contact their teachers anytime.

In the other hand, Technology tools are expensive.Plus, Students may use technology in a bad way in the school and affect other students with this usage such as playing in the classroom or watching movies and opening inappropriate content. Using computers and blackboards so much affects eyes and gives headaches.Some teachers do not know how to deal with technology tools if she is not trained, and it will make a boring class.Technical problems can obstruct the lesson and waste time.
To sum up. Technology might be good and bad. It depends on usage. I think that technologies made studying in the schools very smooth and efficient


1- Why Do We Need Technology Integration?(2007,November 5). Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-guide-importance

2- Writer.C.(n.d.).Advantages & Disadvantages of Computer Technology in Preschool.Retrieved from http://science.opposingviews.com/advantages-disadvantages-computer-technology-preschool-1879.html  
3- Guru.C.(n.d.). The Disadvantages of Technology in classroom . Retrieved from http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/tech/index.pl?read=136

4- Cox.J.(n.d.) .Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from http://www.teachhub.com/benefits-technology-classroom


  1. I enjoyed reading your article; it's so clear and convincing, and I loved the way you introduced the theme and mention that the technology become a part of people life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your essay was great it's simple , clear , also i enjoy reading it . I agree with this point ( using laptops or iPad will be easier for them to carry and lighter from books ) without technology lessons will be boring ..

  4. I love how you summed it all up in a few words it was simple but very easy to read! great job, may I ask how you as a future teacher would use technology in your class room?

    1. well technology can be involved in everything to make children more interested like using it for reading stories but even so we can't leave the physical side for kids because it will help them to improve their gross and fine motor skills .
